Sunday, April 14, 2013

Big Decisions!

Being a military family is not easy. The hardest parts are not the deployments, crazy-ridiculous work schedules, being away from family in places you don't really want to be, single parenting or new friends getting transferred to other locations with their husbands; it's not knowing what's ahead for the future, immediate and distant. You are able to plan ahead in short bursts. For the immediate you can plan, at most, a month ahead, but even then your plans should be flexible; your spouse will most likely have to work the weekend you plan to do something. For the distant future you know you will be living in one location until the next set of orders, at best. Every three years or so you go through the agonizing anticipation of duty station selection and awaiting the all too important official orders. Your life is in limbo for a few months as you wait each month for a decision to be official.

As proud as I am of my husband, I'm excited to say that we will be done with that soon!  Hopefully, Jerry will be retiring in the not too distant future after this deployment, so we finally made a decision that is best for our familyWe are moving to Oklahoma this summer! The kids and I will be making the trek across half of the US with all of our stuff including a Great Dane, two cats, and a turtle or two.  Of course, we won't be doing this alone; my family and family friends will be with us along the way (I truly have the best family!).  

I know. I know. It's Crazy for this southern California girl, who loves the ocean and wouldn't mind going back, is wanting to move to Oklahoma permanently. I want my boys to grow up with lots of cousins, aunts, uncles, and, especially, grandparents nearby.  My boys need open space and fresh air, which the San Joaquin Valley does not have.  We will be close to the Tulsa airport and plenty of military bases to get flights to just about anywhere in the US and abroad.  Flights to Phoenix are less expensive and it will be much easier to visit Jerry's side of the family and my cousin Laura.

So What Did Jerry Miss This Week?

Carson earned an orange tip on his karate belt!
Zuhro and Carson playing in the pool
Cooper getting ready to go down the slide
"It's kind of cold, Mom.  I'll just sit and splash on the side."
I needed to get an oil change so I took the kids with me to Walmart this morning.  Why Walmart?  It's the only place I can grocery shop, get an oil change, and feed my kids breakfast in one stop.  While we were in line there was a display of pillow pets.  We definitely don't need anymore stuffed animals, but Carson made an excellent case for getting one.  He said he needed the blue camouflage dog because that is what Daddy wears to work everyday.  OK.  I was sold.  I definitely couldn't say no to that!

After Walmart, we went to a new friends house on the base.  Her husband is deployed with Jerry so she is surviving the next several months as I am.  Carson had fun running around with a bunch of kids and Cooper just kind of hung out with us.  She sells Origami Owl Jewelry which is where I got this adorable locket.  I will be adding two charms later (little boys with the April gemstone, not diamond) when they come in.  I can't wait for it to be complete!  Thanks, Heather!

Two (almost) weeks down...


  1. How exciting! You guys are finally making the big move. I'm jealous that now I am literally the only person not living in the Pryor-Adair family compound! The boys will LOVE it there I'm sure. I can't wait to hear them grow up with their little Oklahoma twangs! :D Love your new necklace too....I know a gal who sells those here and I want to get one but couldn't make it to her last party.

  2. After you get settled down in OK, I should bring the kids down for a big ol' family reunion! Yay!

    1. You better! I'm thinking that on my way out to San Diego to meet the ship I'll stop by and see you for a couple of days. I don't know when that will be... sometime between October and February is the best I can do for now! I absolutely love my necklace. I can't wait to buy more charms and tags for it. I already have a want list.

  3. So happy for you guys & your decision to move to be closer to family. Are you going to continue teaching in OK?
